At Q-Park, we are committed to promoting safe driving and parking!
To support this commitment, we have teamed up with the Toyota Face It Down app to encourage people to not interact with their phone while they are driving!
How it works
When you begin your journey you activate the Face It Down app and will be rewarded with points for every kilometre you drive without interacting with your phone. You can then redeem these points for rewards including parking discounts with Q-Park. You can download the app from the App Store (IOS) or Google Play (Android).

Step 1: Starting your journey
Before you start your vehicle, you are advised to deactivate Bluetooth on your phone, then in Journey Tracker tap the Start button. Put you phone screen down in a safe and stable location. Your phone will vibrate which means the app has started tracking.
Step 2: How to earn points and rewards
Once tracking, the app records your journey start and end point along with your distance. You earn a point for every kilometre you drive without interacting with your phone. If you lift your phone while driving you will lose all points for that journey.
Step 3: Ending your journey
Once you have reached your destination, stop the car, turn off your engine, pick up your phone and press the Finish button when it appears. Please make sure you do these steps within 30 seconds of picking up your phone or you will lost all points for that journey.
Step 4: Calculating your points
Once you have pressed the Finish button, we will calculate the amount of points you have earned for that journey and add them to your overall total.
Step 5: Starting a new journey
You won't be able to start a new journey straight away. Please wait 3 minutes from finishing one journey before starting a new one.